Here’s how I might be able to help you:

Why Work With Antonio?

I know first-hand what it’s like to have a crippling addiction that feels like you’re powerless over, especially when it comes to:





& Methamphetamine

I never really had a problem with alcohol, like most people; I drank socially. Although I must admit, whenever the going got tough, the first thing I would reach for was a bottle to down if nothing else was readily available. Like the saying goes, he drank to wash down his sorrows.

The bottom line is, no addiction is any more different than the other, because the common denominator is that the addict seeks relief from their substance of choice as a mood changer.

That’s what ultimately drove me into addiction. Low self-esteem, encompassing the need for relief & escape, from my overwhelming thoughts, as well as my emotions.

Sadly, I also formed a sex addiction with methamphetamine & cocaine. For 10 years i led myself to believe that the only fun thing I could think of, and wanted to do, was to get high and indulge in pleasure.

I’ts worth noting that, regardless if you can't relate with that side of my story, its all the same. Our addictions offer a false sense of comfort, out of our discomfort, providing us relief

In the early lockdowns, I was near close to suicide, or I might have overdosed. My daughters mother recently had left me, she made up her mind, and made it clear that she was never coming back.

It's only when I hit rock bottom that I realised I was also putting my job in jeopardy. By that point I was lucky I still kept my plastering business afloat, barely. By then however, I almost lost everything because I couldn’t keep it together and found it humiliating that I couldn’t keep the tears back at work, hiding in a corner sobbing my eyes out mostly every day, for weeks on end.

I didn’t get to see my child for several months, and at a later stage, the only access I had to my daughter was through supervised visitation. I was arguing with family members also, and it drove us all apart.

What I needed was support!




As well as Spiritually!

And that’s why you should work with me, because what I needed most, I had to find and give for myself: That’s how working with me will considerably help you!

Through my very own challenges, and accomplishments, It’s why i’m so passionate about providing help to others.

If you are a father still living with family, I want to give you the support & kick up the ass that I needed at that time of my life, before it all came crashing down.

Or, if you are a single father now, and so desperately need help, before another 10 years flash before your own eyes.

I will help you, to REBUILD YOUR LIFE!